15/20/25mm Historical Wargame/Collectible
25mm Boxer Rebellion
F0280 US Marines w/Cmd
F0281 US Marine Inf & Cavalry in winter dress
F0282 US Marine Cavalry w/Officer
F0283 US Marine Artillery
F0284 Chinese Boxers w/Cmd
F0285 Chinese Tigermen w/Cmd
F0286 Imperial Chinese Infantry w/Cmd
F0287 Imperial Chinese Artillery
F0288 Chinese Regular & Irregular Cav w/Officers
F0289 Japanese Infantry & Sailors w/Cmd
F0290 Japanese Artillery
F0291 Japanese Cavalry w/Officers
F0292 British Sepoys & Gurkas w/Cmd
F0293 British Sailors & Royal Marines w/Cmd
F0294 HMS Chinese Infantry w/Cmd
F0295 Russian Infantry & Sailors w/Cmd
F0296 Russian Artillery
F0297 Russian Line & Cossack Cavalry
F0298 French Marines & Sailors w/Officers
F0299 Chasseur de Afrique w/Officers
F0300 Annamite,Tonkinese & Algerian Turcos w/Officers
F0301 German Infantry & Marines w/Officers
F0302 German Artillery
F0303 German Cavalry
F0304 Italian Bersaglieri w/Cmd
F0305 Carving Knife Brigade & Civilians
of STUFF Fone/Fax: 863-401-8221; Correspondence; 90 Spirit
Lake Rd, Winter Haven, FL 33880
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